Did Obama under appreciate Michael Jackson?

My Dear Brother, President Barak Obama;


There must have been a mistake of under appreciation and understatement on your side,
about our brother, Mr. Michael Jackson, which will explain why you treated him with
such levity at his sudden death. To put it mildly, I was shocked as I am sure millions of
others were around the Globe, to hear of your very mild tribute to the memory of
Mr. Michael Jackson; and, above all, it was not even given by you, but in your behalf
by your press secretary.

It beats all imagination how you could have so under-rated the devastating blow of the
sudden death of the thoroughbred genius, and the mega legend called Michael Jackson, and under appreciated its enormity to the United States of America, the nation of African-Americans; the Black Race; and the whole world. The suddenness of Michael Jackson’s death must have shaken the Rock of Gibraltar!

What could have been responsible for your under-estimation of Mr. Michael Jackson’s worth
and impact in the United States, and in the world, for blazing the trail, first and foremost, for
you? Was it political correctness? There does not seem to be any reason for your coldness for
the devastating news, as both of you share the same position and lime light in the world.

For instance:
i. Both of you are of the Black Race – exploited, hated, discriminated, persecuted and profiled;
ii. He was the first of the kind – even before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - in blazing trails;
raising bars; breaking barriers; crossing boundaries; building bridges; mixing the grill;
making the USA the real melting pot that she is supposed to be:
He in music, compassion, humanitarian giving and entertainment; and
You - in education, patriotism, community development and politics;
iii. He - being the first ever human being to be acknowledged in breaking stone-wall barriers for
the Black Race; and being, unequivocally, accepted by all the races of humankind, in all the
Nooks and Crannies of the world, before you!
iv. Take a look at the spontaneity of the overwhelming outpouring of:
sheer love for you and the jubilation all over the world at your winning the Presidential
Election; and the inestimable love for Michael Jackson, the seas of the appreciation of his
music and dancing in his lifetime, and the continuous cascading of the celebration of his life;
even much more than a million-fold at his death!

I believe that the whole world is waiting to hear from you, about your own personal feelings
and tribute to Mr. Michael Jackson – giving him the honor that is due him - the super mega
talented, chock-ful’o-meaning lyricist; the shy, soft-spoken icon; but a high-pitched, sonorous,
never-to-be equaled, unbeatable singer; perfect dancer-choreographer; mega-super actor;
most brilliant, dazzling star; great friend; the man in the mirror; the compassionate and giving
legend – the replica of whom – like Beethoven and Shakespeare - may never tread this earth

Oyibo E. Odinamadu (Mrs.)